Little Issue 9
Welcome to a very tasty and interesting magazine! You will find a cool experiment you can do in your kitchen, plus recipes and activities about healthy food.
Meet a crazy science professor (turn to page 3). See how to make mealie flowers on pages 4 and 5. You could also WIN your very own cookbook! And remember, always ask a grown-up for help with the oven when you’re cooking.
This issue is packed with stories for all ages.
Find out about the boy who thought he was too small on page 36.
Do some snooping around with Neo on page 30.
Who is Neo looking for? Learn how to measure stuff on page 20.
Then, have a look at our Creature Feature on page 14. Did you know that warthogs are actually related to pigs? Read about all the clever things they can do.
Enjoy all the drawing, counting, reading and jokes!